Slender profile aluminium windows

Slender profile aluminium windows and sliding doors

blog | 02.03.2023

Large windows with slim profiles are increasingly used to create minimalist inspired interiors. How important is the use of narrow profile windows for the look of our interiors? When is it the best solution? So what are the advantages and why are aluminium windows with narrow mullions and narrow profiles so popular? Let's have a look.

Aluminium slimline profile - a small-big change

The trend towards smaller and smaller frames is a fashion that can be seen in many areas of our daily lives. This is best seen in electronics - narrow frames for televisions, monitors or smartphones. Window joinery is also a great place to reduce the size of frames in favour of glazing. Why choose narrow profile aluminium windows? What changes will this decision bring to your rooms?

Modern look

Narrow profile models will renew any interior. When choosing the window joinery for your project, you'll see how wide the choice is. At Aikon Distribution, we recommend Aliplast windows as the ones that will work well in solutions with a narrow profile.

Check our aluminium windows and doors offer:


More light

The fact that the window frame is a few millimetres narrower really makes a difference - especially when the windows are small. Lighting up a kitchen, a children's room on the less sunny side - these are some of the application ideas.

aliplast imperial
IMPERIAL aluminium windows installed by Aikon Distribution in France

Complementing style with colour

Aluminium is an extremely attractive material in terms of colour. Any colour from the RAL palette can be applied to the profiles of your aluminium windows. And Aliplast itself has several colour palettes for its window and door systems. Of all window types, aluminium allows the widest choice of unique colours and veneers. This is valuable for those who value design.

See the colours of aluminium windows and doors:


Convenient and faster window cleaning

The whole process would be much quicker if window cleaning consisted only of cleaning the glass itself. But it is the cleaning of the profiles that takes the most time - to reach the nooks and crannies of the profiles where dirt may have accumulated. Put simply, narrower profiles mean less surface area to clean.

For more information on aluminium window cleaning options, have a look at our article:

How to clean aluminium doors & windows?

Slim mullions in aluminium windows - an important added value

The secret of aluminium windows is the combination of silicon and magnesium. Silicon gives the windows hardness, while magnesium gives them strength. Aluminium windows withstand pressure and are extremely airtight. Using the best insulating materials and designing the profiles, aluminium windows are also very warm.

Aluminium windows and sliding doors with narrow mullions offer great design possibilities; with the right proportions, it is possible to create really substantial window dimensions. We offer two profiles for narrow mullion sliding doors at Aikon Distribution:

Aliplast Ultraglide

Aliplast Visoglide plus

Slender profiles in aluminium windows are an essential feature that really makes a difference in the way a window or patio door looks. Contrary to the prevailing myth that aluminium is a cold profile, it is ideal for energy-efficient and passive construction. And then there is its strong resistance to external conditions and stimuli. It's simply an excellent choice. And an investment that makes good sense.

Are you in the market for aluminium windows with narrow mullions or narrow profiles? Talk to our consultant about these and other solutions for your home.


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