Aluminium windows

Aliplast Windows
When choosing windows for your project or investment, it is worth looking at aluminium...
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Aluminium is not a new material on the joinery market, but until now it has mainly been used in industrial and commercial construction. For some time now, it has also been used in single-family housing. More and more people are choosing aluminium windows also because their properties are a good alternative to wooden and plastic joinery. Aluminium is characterized by high resistance to harmful atmospheric factors, it is easy to maintain and durable. Let's take a closer look at this raw material and find out why aluminium windows and doors are a good choice for our house.
Aluminium windows from Poland
Aluminium shows a high resistance to atmospheric conditions, which is used by aluminium window manufacturers from Poland - the world leader in the export of joinery. It does not deform under the influence of high temperatures and changes colour less frequently than wooden or PVC joinery. Polish aluminium joinery is also characterized by a modern look and great possibilities as far as the colour finish of profiles is concerned. It can be painted in any colour from the RAL palette, so it is also resistant to corrosion - both in itself and thanks to the properties of paints.
Aluminium is also used in joinery to manufacture windows with burglar-proof features. They don't have to be made entirely of this raw material - even aluminium caps are enough to make burglary into the house impossible for a long time.
Ask our consultant about windows with aluminium covers:
Aluminium windows for sale
Aluminium windows are perfect for flats and detached houses, but in the latter case, they have another advantage. We can install both classic sized windows as well as large glazed units. Such glazing works well in modern construction - aluminium windows beautifully highlight the simple, minimalist shapes of houses. This doesn't mean that they won't fit in with others - they are available in such a variety of colours and textures that they will perfectly complement the appearance of all types of buildings.
SASH aluminium windows
Sash windows have been designed with the UK and Irish markets in mind. They work in the up-and-down sliding system, allow for maximum space saving inside the room and give many possibilities of space arrangement around the window. The up-and-down sliding system is also functional and practical for everyday use.
Buying aluminium windows online
Buying aluminium windows online is a standard appreciated by investors worldwide. Such a method gives, first of all, the possibility to get to know the market offer thoroughly and to choose the best solution. Another advantage is that companies dealing with the supply of joinery, including aluminium windows, usually offer the option to complete them together with doors, gateways or garage doors, so you can order all the elements needed to finish your house in one place. Aikon Distribution is just such a company. Order aluminium windows online and match them with other window joinery parts.
Aluminium windows are a guarantee of high quality and flawless appearance. At the same time, when choosing them for your house, you must know their parameters concerning thermal and acoustic insulation or burglary resistance. They are not determined solely by the properties of aluminium. Therefore, we should pay attention to the thickness of the window profiles, the type of glazing package, the thickness of the door leaf, as well as ensuring that the installation has been carried out correctly.
Aluminium doors for sale
Aluminium is a raw material widely used in the construction industry, among others, due to its lightness, high strength and plasticity, which facilitates its processing. The use of aluminium also translates into the reduction of material consumption, which, in turn, is important in the process of reducing environmental pollution during production. Aluminium doors are environmentally friendly - they can be easily recycled as the material can be reused.
Aluminium doors online
Aluminium doors are a solution often chosen by both private and corporate investors. They attract attention especially in the latter case, because in service buildings, larger doors are usually installed than in typical single-family housing. People who prefer untypical solutions will certainly appreciate their aesthetic values - they look interesting in a unique design, e.g. in two colours, combining natural anthracite colour with another, more vivid colour. A great advantage of aluminium doors is the possibility to integrate them with the SMART HOME system, which makes it possible to control the doors with mobile devices.
Aluminium front doors
Aluminium front doors are an excellent choice for a house with modern architecture. Their greatest advantage is high durability. This type of metal does not corrode and is not susceptible to deformation due to thermal changes. Additionally, it resists burglars’ actions very well. Leading manufacturers of aluminium doors also offer solutions ideally suited to the needs of energy-efficient and passive houses.
Aluminium sliding doors
Aluminium sliding terrace, balcony or garden doors are very popular among users. They provide a modern and functional solution, which is the ideal finish for any home. They are available in two sliding systems: HST and PSK. The application of this solution gives many more possibilities, both practical and in terms of arrangement. The biggest advantage of aluminium sliding doors is that they allow the use of large glazing, and thus also good lighting of rooms. In addition, the sliding systems mean that the open sashes of these doors do not take up space inside the rooms.
Manufacturer of aluminium doors
It is very important that a good aluminium doors manufacturer is responsible for the quality of our joinery. What does it mean "good"? First of all, a proven one, with an established position on the market, supported by many positive opinions. It should also clearly define the warranty conditions and dispel all possible doubts of the customer on an ongoing basis. If we have such a possibility, it is also worth looking at the previous realizations of the manufacturer. If it's not possible, check if the manufacturer has any samples of aluminium windows so that we can personally assess their quality. Such a set of samples can be purchased from Aikon Distribution.
At Aikon Distribution we pack samples of our products in AikonBox - complete your own!